@Osaka @fuckoffasshole
C'mon guys.
Make with the kissy kissy and make up already, we got bigger problems to deal with like...
I don't know, world hunger? world peace? And you can make it all go away for the low, low price of just 40 US dollars a week, wired directly to my associates in the Caymen Islands.
I am happy to be immortalized, and I'm glad that I got under his skin. Karma is a bitch and will bite him in the ass. Not my problem.
I do realize that I'm talking to children here (or maybe manchildren with autism), which is why you're a very insecure person, who wants to prove everyone how cool you are (you are not). As a matter of fact, other people in the past, who really were assholes towards me, had more class and style than you will ever have.
I'm not good at technical mumbo jumbo, and I don't really know how the things work, especially that NG is a MESS. A GIGANTIC MESS. And unlike herbieg, syrreal, or nijsse, I actually played fair and square. You guys already banned me, attacked me, ridiculed me, mocked me, abused me, in many creative ways, and yet, you are still not satisfied? How come?
EDIT: forgot to say one of my catchphrases - Stop Stalking People, Osaka!