Who were you expecting, Tom Fulp?

Age 35, Male

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Joined on 4/12/09

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I am happy to be immortalized, and I'm glad that I got under his skin. Karma is a bitch and will bite him in the ass. Not my problem.

I do realize that I'm talking to children here (or maybe manchildren with autism), which is why you're a very insecure person, who wants to prove everyone how cool you are (you are not). As a matter of fact, other people in the past, who really were assholes towards me, had more class and style than you will ever have.

I'm not good at technical mumbo jumbo, and I don't really know how the things work, especially that NG is a MESS. A GIGANTIC MESS. And unlike herbieg, syrreal, or nijsse, I actually played fair and square. You guys already banned me, attacked me, ridiculed me, mocked me, abused me, in many creative ways, and yet, you are still not satisfied? How come?

EDIT: forgot to say one of my catchphrases - Stop Stalking People, Osaka!

@Osaka @fuckoffasshole
C'mon guys.
Make with the kissy kissy and make up already, we got bigger problems to deal with like...
I don't know, world hunger? world peace? And you can make it all go away for the low, low price of just 40 US dollars a week, wired directly to my associates in the Caymen Islands.

@DeaghlanNG @Osaka
I don't have a problem with osaka actually, it's just that I wish he
1) stopped stalking people
2) stopped trying to be a tryhard (albeit I do admit that mickey mouse avatar is LESS pretentious and punchable than a mascaot of the band Disturbed)

1) I am already banned from leaderboards
2) I have nothing to gain by getting medals
3) I have no reputation to uphold
4) I don't need to care about how people perceive me, because they already perceive me badly
5) Medals are serious business, I get perks for getting medals like... getting medals.

However I do the things I do, because
1) I want to avoid attention
2) I do get many inquiries,
3) People keep pestering me about everything

It is also possible to think outside of the box when getting medals, like hint hint - opening few tabs of the same game, or refreshing at the right moment, before the game saves. But that's all I will say, no more hints from me. I am okay with being hated, someone has to be. Someone should be.

And yeah, there are serious problems right now, even on NG, like this website slowly turning into zoogrounds with illegal porn, or harmful software being uploaded as submissions.

Also, it's fucking friday evening, for FUCK sake. I really should visit NG less.

EDIT: I'm glad I made you smile Osaka, you should smile more in your life

@fuckoffasshole I would not recommend you to use uncivilized words.

Excellently done, Osaka. So, you planning to put more focus on your FimFiction account, now that you've taken #1?

Well I recently got a job (albeit an overnight, minimum paying job that's tiring), so I can cross that off my list. Just need to do something about getting a replacement for my car that dad crashed and I'll be completely focused on FimFiction; which is really needed since I haven't touched upon Final Filly Fantasy for almost 2 years now; which doesn't help push aside the writer's block I'm having with it.

All I know is that Shining and Flash are in a mine/cave conversing about stories and nostalgia before meeting a monk that would teach Flash a super strength technique somehow. After such a long absence, I feel like there should be more to recapture the readers that have been waiting.

A honest question. What is the point of being on NG? There are fags like @bluemonday1984 who at the same time, are not intelligent enough to recognize their actual gender. They don't contribute anything to NG, except zoophilia. Meanwhile, worthwhile creators, like @stopsignal, think about escaping this hellhole altogether and I can't blame them for it. RUN. If you read this RUN AWAY, THERE IS NOTHING FOR YOU HERE, IF YOU'RE STUCK HERE, YOU WILL ACHIEVE NOTHING. AS A MATTER OF FACT, I WILL PAY YOU MONEY TO LEAVE NEWGROUNDS, TO YOUR PATREON. JUST LEAVE NG, IT'S NOT WORTH IT. I WILL PAY YOU MONEY ON A MONTHLY BASIS, BUT ONLY IF YOU LEAVE NG ALTOGETHER.

These people are trapped in their echo chambers thinking they are correct. Of course, in real life, they are pushovers, respected by nobody, so they vent here. Enjoy the little power that you have on an obscure website that will eventually go down, because nobody cares about NG

What kind of environment are you trying to create? The one where worthless users are clapping to each other by being worthless scum? Or the one, where people actually contribute somethihng worthwhile? I guess it's the former.

EDIT: Notice how they always laugh as a cope mechanism, because in real life, they cry.

Also, I will live longer than @bluemonday1984. I know that for sure. Many such cases. Feel free to laugh about it too fren @munguia died. @life died. But somehow, I survived. Take care of yourself fren, you will need it.

EDIT: Don't forget Osaka and Blue to lick each other genitalias (I'm sorry Andrey, I should be more civilized before). Soon the only people visiting NG will be amoebas, because they will be on your level

@fuckoffasshole @Stopsignal bro is right about bluemonday

@AlexToolStudio @Stopsignal
Bluemonday is just another person. Before Bluemonday, there were other people. They got bored and they left. That's the way it is. you have people whose all defining quality is blocking others. That's all they ever contributed, mind you. They are proud of it, but usually they leave. Bluemonday will leave too. It will take a year or two, but they will leave eventually, because NG is not their priority. Their priority is being an anime cute wildcat Too bad they cannot achieve that. To be cute anime wildcat, you have to be like me. Mraw. (long live cats). I am the cute anime wildcat, not them.

in other words, we have to suffer the influx of people like bluemonday, because they come, they report, they leave forever, and then another person like them arrives. IT's an endless cycle of abuse

awesome job!!!