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10 Movie Reviews

Well, what can I say? Ambiance is nice, the animation is lovely, teen males will likely be experiencing a new sensation.

My only complaint is the client's performance and dialogue. I get it, he's too infatuated with her girls to think of anything else, but it's coming across as if he's not even trying to climb out of the hole he fell in. I'm expecting something like...

"I-I mean breast milk. No, I mean, fox formula. WAIT! I meant, tit protein!! No-no, chest cream!!! Arg jee, POWDER BREAST MILK!!!"

He's already making a fool of himself, work up that goofy charm.

Do chinchillas really make that sound? I mean, I've had rabbits that make a similar sound when they grind their teeth, but...

Anyway, a lot of effort was placed in this (particularly the backgrounds), but it could use some touch-ups here and there. One such spot is after the chinchilla placed the soap on the pedestal, the music appeared to have 'hiccuped' after it faded out.

One of the benefits of having a simple designed character is that animating them will be easier and I noticed that you made it even more easier during that spiral dive. At a certain point, you mirrored the little guy so you only had to work with 180 degrees instead of 360. Understandable, however, that strap on his chest is what gives your trick away and the illusion of him spinning suffers because of it.

It's still a very nice animation, but some cut corners and slip ups were obviously noticeable.

Mordina responds:

Thanks for the criticism :)
If You like You can review my other videos. This series has second episode. I would be very appeiciated <3

I quit playing Pokemon around the 3rd generation, so I'll try and tackle the performance.

the story is nice, the battles are fun, but when it came to some sprite close-ups I notice some problems. When Teejay sat down with Gardevoir his blinking doesn't actually look right, some of the white parts of his eye can still be seen when he closes his eyes as well lights on his face that should be shaded. The pixels seem different in size on sprites as well, try 2x2, 4x4, or even a 8x8 trick on them with the sizes (ex. if sprite 34x56, make it twice as big for a final outcome of 68x112). Some shading on plain sections of your character, especially his clothing, would help a lot to (Look at Gardevoir's pallet, she's red, green and white but they put a range of color on her to give her depth).

Lastly, I don't mean to make fun of your acting, but you sound so monotone. Your recording is good but I don't get an interest out your character. The only part that caught my attention was around the end where you get mad. Try to get into the character's mind during the scene that fits the moment; you may know the story, but your character is learning about the situation (add pauses between words to show that their thinking, lower your tone during a sentence to show sorrow).

The story is good, but delivery is what gets an audience's attention.

I feel like I left something out... oh yes.
Amereep used Review!

teejay-number13 responds:

Thanks for the advice. I know a lot about working with sprites, including how to properly resize them to prevent distortion, though sometimes it doesn't always turn out perfect. The sprites I used for Gardevoir's close-up had a much higher resolution originally then the one I used for Teejay. So his didn't have the same range of colors and shading to add depth and such. I'll fix that next time because I'm working on getting better at art myself including shading.

As for the voice acting, I'm trying to improve myself but my character is supposed to be mellow and not show a lot of emotion normally. That may not make a good personality for a main character in your opinion, but I think it makes a nice switch from the same old tired main character archetypes we usually see. Delivery is important, but I personally can't stand characters that only operate with extreme emotions.

Recent Game Reviews

49 Game Reviews

I hate this game. Out of all the time I've encountered it over the past decade, this game is... prude, to put it lightly.

For starters, this is a time waster game. It expects you to gather material, leave to smelt and your materials and sell/restock/power-up before going back in. It's simple, however, the demands are high and the consequences are dire should you fail. For example, in order to progress, one must strengthen their weapon, and again, and again, and again, to levels that are so high that you'd be considered a master after wasting about 6-8 hours on this, but that's only for weapons, and Paulous will be needing a combined effort of offence and defense to take down, and IF YOU EVER DIE, YOU'RE BACK TO SQUARE ONE.

This game expect that you can rack up points easily, I dare even say that it can be conceited of itself, but I shouldn't lash my frustration out at the game (even though the 'user creator' is a sore thumb of this). I should judge by its functions, which saves (regrettably to those that fail) and it will self check to distribute medals upon startup (when it decides to), so it does have some concern for the player in mind. Paulous, that gingered lummox that has a special place in Hell for him, does add a bit of complexity to the whole thing. But God damn, do I hate this game for not being forgiving on players. If it has some experience points to help push the player along or maybe more chances of getting those dragonstones, then maybe I would've been more generous on giving stars, but hey, you get what you give.

You know, I love idle games. They're the easiest to handle amongst games when getting medals, but I often find my share of issues with each of them. Most of the time they just make my sleepy, but every so often I encounter a counting issue, especially when things get fast.

First off... thank you for acknowledging me like that in the game. As I said, I enjoy these games, but it doesn't mean that I make attempts on speeding things up. I believe I was jumping between 2 tabs and refreshing the game so I stay connected to Newgrounds when the medal goes off. I noticed that a little boost to the clock when I did, it didn't boost the speed from what I could tell, but this is the first sign of what's to come.

When I discovered that you added more medals, I continued and had the most difficult time with the 'Fast Full Circle' medal as I was about 3:30 at best. I know it had something to do with toggling on and off the autobuys, but I couldn't figure it out. I did discover the auto EON, making it less punishable for nodding off, and when I awoken, I see that the fastest cycle I went through was 2:30. It gets more wild as the cycle kept getting shorter and shorter to the point where it finishes a cycle in under half the target time and the EON stop autocycling all together.

I maxed out qwerty's theorem, but the medal didn't go off. The first medal says 'Not Achieved' all the time even after I already obtain it and it tends to fix itself after a refresh of the page, so I refreshed the page, but it didn't acknowledge it no matter how many times I refreshed it.


You likely saw the ridiculous amount of Eons I would've gotten upon freezing in the proof I provided. Not sure if that was the intention, but this is something I encounter all the time whenever numbers begin to accelerate with no end in sight. Oh the surprises I find after taking a nap to these games.

WaspVentMan responds:

Thanks for letting me know about that issue, I’ll try get it patched ASAP :)

Also, feel free to DM me if you have any more details to give me :)

Well, I feel like I should pay tribute to this collab for what it had given me.

Huge collabs can be very messy and limited for just about everyone. The one that's heading it is usually the first that comes to mind, the player might be considered the second depending on how cluttered and overwhelming the choices can be when picking at least one of them, but I think the often overlooked ones are the contributors themselves. We never stop and give each of them a moment of our time and focus only on the ones that interest the individual's taste. We're spoiled, often abusing the scroll function to skip past this person's opportunity of getting recognized like they might've wanted going into these collabs. But this time, there's a catch... that... that actually catches.

The narrating is the best part of this. From the humorous depictions to the unexpecting quips, it puts a unique spin on things that actually makes the player want to stop and take a moment with each entry as they listen to what the narrator has to say. This addition is so infectious that I used this feature as the base for a flashfic that I wrote, trying to pull off the same flipped perspective for an AI generated image I made for the occasion. ...and my entry actually won.

So I'm here to acknowledge my gratitude, speak my thoughts on this collab, and to shamelessly promote the story.


Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, after all.

Recent Audio Reviews

6 Audio Reviews

Well I'm not really much of a house fan, but for a first song, I think you did a pretty decent job.

The title is a little misleading to me though. With something called 'Forgotten', I assumed it would be a mellow, sad song. This sounds like a more uplifting tune to me, like a youth with a strong spirit persevering through a struggle.

Maybe I'm missing at what you're going for. It could be about discovering a forgotten land or something, but whatever the reason, the song was still nice.

I was expecting a remix of the same dreaded feeling you get from the game and for a minute I thouht I was right untill I was given a new twist on an old tune. The remix (at least in my eyes... err ears) is a new opening for people to try and tackle for this song. It still gives that classic feeling of fear with the bell and a feeling of techno (like the moon suddenly became a disco ball or somethng). To be honest, I was kinda disappointed somewhere half-way through the song because I was expecting more of a "get the finish line in time" type of song (where the song gets more intense and faster), but in any case I think you did a great job.

ATProductions responds:

I tried to keep the song as techno/trance as possible, so I tried to maintain a certain tempo and flow. I tried adding more instruments and speeding the whole thing up at the end but it ended up being too chaotic... Thank you for your comprehensive comment!

Recent Art Reviews

3 Art Reviews

I'm overwhelmingly ecstatic to see more love for Landsatalker and Friday... but why is she paired up with Kairi? lol

SoryuZawa responds:

I don't know, the truth is that this drawing is a commission, my first commission in fact 😅


The first thing I get from looking at this guy is that he's an aristocrat. I can't see his crazy, mad personality which could be a good thing of showing a, 'He can't be that bad of a guy' look to the other characters. I do like the way you made him able to use both physical and magical abilities. All in all, I think you made a cunning villain that should be a force to recon with.

HOLY O_o !!!

That is some great detail with the shading and brightness.

Who were you expecting, Tom Fulp?

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