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You know, I love idle games. They're the easiest to handle amongst games when getting medals, but I often find my share of issues with each of them. Most of the time they just make my sleepy, but every so often I encounter a counting issue, especially when things get fast.

First off... thank you for acknowledging me like that in the game. As I said, I enjoy these games, but it doesn't mean that I make attempts on speeding things up. I believe I was jumping between 2 tabs and refreshing the game so I stay connected to Newgrounds when the medal goes off. I noticed that a little boost to the clock when I did, it didn't boost the speed from what I could tell, but this is the first sign of what's to come.

When I discovered that you added more medals, I continued and had the most difficult time with the 'Fast Full Circle' medal as I was about 3:30 at best. I know it had something to do with toggling on and off the autobuys, but I couldn't figure it out. I did discover the auto EON, making it less punishable for nodding off, and when I awoken, I see that the fastest cycle I went through was 2:30. It gets more wild as the cycle kept getting shorter and shorter to the point where it finishes a cycle in under half the target time and the EON stop autocycling all together.

I maxed out qwerty's theorem, but the medal didn't go off. The first medal says 'Not Achieved' all the time even after I already obtain it and it tends to fix itself after a refresh of the page, so I refreshed the page, but it didn't acknowledge it no matter how many times I refreshed it.


You likely saw the ridiculous amount of Eons I would've gotten upon freezing in the proof I provided. Not sure if that was the intention, but this is something I encounter all the time whenever numbers begin to accelerate with no end in sight. Oh the surprises I find after taking a nap to these games.

WaspVentMan responds:

Thanks for letting me know about that issue, I’ll try get it patched ASAP :)

Also, feel free to DM me if you have any more details to give me :)

This game is quite... well, a matter of perspective. Constructive orientations or straightforward drops. Relaxing atmosphere or nauseating ride. It can adjust to our preference or we can master its challenges. There's effort placed into this and many consideration were made for this to be a chill-mood game, but I think it's just a little bit short on being perfect, and that too is likely another form of perspective.

I've tried the Newgrounds' Player, Ruffle on Chrome, but both cases have failed at giving me the any medals, or even autosaved for that matter. When starting the game, I always find myself in the tutorial and have to reobtain the glowing orb in order for me to skip the section. I'm assuming that I might have the option to start a new game or continue, but this has not happened to me once in the game.

I haven't gotten far since I don't want to go through the effort of doing it a second time when I'm able to get them, but I shouldn't let that fact be the only deciding factor of the number of stares I should give (especially since I assume that you're making an effort on fixing the issue). The fact that I'm not tide to a platform's gravity when I jump help speed thing up when I want to get to a distant location, the glowing lights in the swirls was an amusing take on warping, and I would say that the pathway is too narrow and difficult to navigate through, but those slow regenerating hearts not being a one-hit-per-symbol really helps at making this game chillaxing.

EDIT: Okay, so after a few tries of reloading, the medals are working on Chrome (got the first two upon reload and continuing). Still absent on the Newgrounds' Player for both save and medals though, but one issue at a time. I don't want to sound like I'm pressing that matter, but between NP and Chrome, Chrome is playing very sluggishly.

Emrox responds:

I am planning on taking a good long look at the medal & saving stuff this weekend, though as of now I really have no idea what the issue might be, so I'm not super confident about my ability to fix things, sadly. I will update this reply if I can figure anything out!

Actually, if you have a minute, can you start up the game, right click > open save manager, and see if there's a file in the list called "dwarfPlanetLocalSave"?

Update: Medals and saving *might* be fixed now. If you want to test it real quick, you can pause from the intro and select "return to home planet," which will drop you into the main game without having to play the intro level again.

Well, after discovering your method and exploiting it by messing with time as my laptop knows it to be, I feel that it's fair that I give some kind of review on the game.

Much like the section found in the newspaper, this game lives up to its name as it's a 'one day at a time' kind of game, It may be a bit of a puzzle at first, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes a minor issue to tackle and loses its thrill unless there's a lengthy time between this and the next set of puzzles. Everyday will present new puzzles, so it's best not to do what I did to acquire the medals.

One thing to note is your method to achieve the ultimate objective of opening the safe, because it actually hinders those like me who try to race through this. In order to open the safe, one must complete both wordsearch and sudoku of that given session. It's a good way to make us work for it, but I encountered an issue on one occasion. After completing the sudoku and heading to the calendar, I needed to double check the zodiac and element. Upon returning to the newspaper, the sudoku was reverted back like it was never attempted on. I ignored it, continued to opening the safe, but it didn't open when I put in the code. It worked fine after completing the sudoku again, so that's something to consider looking into.

There's nothing really more to say as this game live up to what it's attempting to replicate, a puzzle section of a newspaper that changes daily. It adds a bit a more dimension with cracking a safe open, which is something every content creator needs to keep in mind when translating one media into another; the limitations and the new possibilities.

EDIT: Not needed, huh? Well I can't deny your word, but I swear I did it without completing either of them. I mean, yesterday, I couldn't find that last word, but I had a good idea of the safe's answer, yet I couldn't get through. I did try to back track using the numerology and the circled day, but it wasn't getting me anywhere. Numerology is new to me, so I considered that I was in the fault. So today, I decided to just hardball it and use every day that falls within the respected horoscope of the appropriate zodiac year.

DasSG responds:

Thank you for a kind review.

Actually neither the word maze nor sudoku is required to open the safe.
Finishing word maze adds caption to button groups, finishing sudoku show the numbers on the buttons.
It's harder to push correct buttons without marks - but fully possible. Early prototype had no marks on buttons at all - but it was hard to get that these start from zero (due the keyboard with 1234567890 - safe button layout confuses people)
As for the messing with system clock - it was intended as a continuation of meta-puzzle. (Also very easy to verify since a medal has an unlock date)
Sudoku is easy to solve (maybe too easy) and does not save state because I haven't thought about people returning to it, sorry.

P.S. So far nobody noted that numerology calculation section in the newspaper is interactive...

I never understand why people reskin things. Comics, stories, animation, games, the payoff plays about the same, although a bit shunned upon for wither it's ripping off the source material or failing to live up to the original. This game is more of the latter, but in little positive and negative interpretations about it.

Adding the 2x2 virus seems like an original choice that makes this game unique from its inspiration in a good way, but there's issues with that giant germ that falters gameplay. For starters, it seems that it only takes pills that fall on top of it and not from the side or bottom. A small virus of the same color may be next to it, and if I screw up and have to get rid of this little guy first, the game doesn't take the little guy as its own and combines it with the bigger one, meaning that I'm going to have to get rid of both of them at the same time, And I don't think the game likes that.

I was able to beat level 10 (didn't get the medal, of course), but on 2 occasions during that level upon ridding the big virus (both times with a smaller virus if I recall), the screen just goes black. Refreshing the page makes it better again, but I also have to start all over again.

On a minor creative choice, the checker pattern on the board/bottle really messes with the eyes. The pills line up almost too perfectly with the grid altering colors, making it difficult to tell if the pill color is facing the intended direction of the player's attempt. That might've been the intention, or it might just be my eyes beginning to sync up with my body's age of 34.

It's a personalized Dr. Mario with a new concept to the traditional gameplay that can test one's skills, but the viruses have mutated and given the game a few bugs that falter its playthrough. It's much like the doctor's method of chucking pills unto a bottle in some ways. With any luck, the issue might be contained within the game's coding if you approach it with caution in mind.

TCzombie responds:

I appreciate you taking the time to play our little game and writing such a thorough review! I pretty much agree with everything you said, I'm not sure what I was thinking with the big viruses needing so much headspace to clear LOL. I assume the intent with the grid was to help, not to hinder, (Woodman did the rough graphic pass before I came in) but I can see how it might. I realize now that Dr. Mario doesn't have a grid on the play field. I do wish we could have quashed more of the bugs when we made this but it's a learning experience. The medal one is a bummer of course but I sent the confirm for it your way!

Willy: I'll stand guard and watch the house.
PM: Okay, but if anything happens to me, it's your fault.

Heh, f-funny, cause I was moving when he started talking and found myself sliding to the end of the boarder and then got stuck... yes... quite humorous...

*sigh* So you're new here, and the first game you give us is about dicks, and it appears that it will be a trend with you, judging by your name. ...you'll fit right in around here, and I'm not saying that because I'm about to sound like a pussy.

As you might see, these jokes are too easy for me. Bathroom humor is like a sea of clams, only a few will present a pearl. Practically anything can be an inuendo to something dirty that the Id in our minds would find relevant despite it being induced by primal instincts. I'll admit that this world is imaginative, and I'm taking into account that this is all but a joke, but this will be engaging with only teens, immature adults, and Newgrounds.

However, this is a game, so it stands that there's more to talk about besides story. Despite it being the limpest part, everything about this dick-theme game is very stiff. The jumping, for example, has a delay of at least a second, making those time jumps difficult. The layout buttons for the PC can be very awkward as I needed to use my left hand to use the arrows, spacebar, and an additional button thankfully not too far away as I use my right hand to work the mouse (how much more easier it would've been if I was able to use WASD as an alternative). Adding some additional frames to show the movement of these 'spasming organ characters' might've helped at selling the joke of this crazy world and avoid any confusion for the players (attacking the final penises, for example, didn't seem like it was doing anything. Sound was indicating something, yes, but I thought I was striking a shield or something as their heart didn't seem to respond until multiple strikes later. ...that's strikes, not strokes).

This game is a lot more extensive than what many represent as their first game around here, but it needs to work on its 'foreplay' before I'd erect this as a decent game.

Peniverse-Studios responds:

That was probably the best review I've had, this had the humor, the advice and my balls. I will improve the game, thanks. And the final boss health bar heals, that's why.

-Peniverse Studios

I ran up this tower multiple times, on multiple files, and on multiple browsers. Is it because I love this game? ...well ...yes, but the reason is because I can't get that 'Overripe' medal. I've intentionally taken damage to get below or at 10% health, and finished off the bad guys on the floor. I've even went to the next few floors and proceeded to clear the rooms, but I still can't get it for some reason.

In fact, if I had an issue with this game, it would have to be that the medals don't register after a period of playing, much shorter than what I'm used to. An example would be the 'Revolution Any%' medal, I beaten it in 41:37, but I didn't get the medal. Thankfully the game doesn't save after the boss, so a quick page refresh, another fight, beat it 13 seconds faster, and I finally got it. It usually takes a little over an hour before the site breaks connection (or my poor internet provider acts up first), but the medals is my only complaint.

I don't know what else to say about the game as it's well put together. The music, the mechanics, I personally enjoyed how you let the player return back to the 'hub' area so naturally. I even noticed that each room follows the same order no matter how many times you clime it, but they'll change when you start a new file, so that's pretty attentive to detail while keeping things fresh.

Prox276 responds:

Thank you! ^^
The medal thing seems to be a common issue. I'll be looking into it but in the meantime I unlocked Overripe for you manually. :)

Calming music, gentle colors, lighthearted dialogue, sinecure tasks, all gift-wrapped with a bow for a heartwarming experience. ...this isn't my beat.

Whenever I do a review, I try to be justly fair by judging not from my enjoyment, but from a professional aspect that alines with the creators'. Noting the effort they placed in it, considering what was going through their heads, and reflecting on how their audience would take it.

Your goal was obvious the moment Maple stepped outside of her house, to give a chillaxing experience, but my personal aim during that moment, finish a series of side-quests and think creatively to obtain all of the medals.

Every so often, I'd return to this game to catch that fish and to find that last secret medal (if over a thousand people can get it, yet can't manage to reach the same number with the other medals put together (excluding the starting one), then I must be doing something wrong). It's during those times that I notice the little changes made to the game that adds to the tranquility you're setting. From the scuddeling crab on the beach to the very helpful 'instant catch' style of fishing, the commitment placed into this game is something that shouldn't be overlooked just because I can't catch something that's comparable to a shiny Pokémon.

To wrap things up, this game is too mellow for me with my hasten attempts to reach the goal, but that just shows at how well it did to achieve that good-vibe feeling of mellowness.

Peti responds:

Wow, thanks for the fair review! I how that you'll be able to unlock the rare fish medals soon!
For the secret medal, it's something that you can earn only during the tutorial section. I hope that helps!

Bleak-Creep responds:

Thanks for the detailed write up and I’m glad you enjoyed!

The fish medal will probably take most folks a few hours should they choose to go for it, but you do get a little easter egg as a reward. (Well, technically one of three easter eggs!)

The best way I can describe this game is that it's like playing a rendition of 'The Flight Of The Bumblebee' with a tempo that continues to rise.

I caught on quick with my first attempted (holding onto the pollen is a bit of an issue, but plenty more of where that came from), yet when night began, I found myself flailing about as I try to find a way to eliminate the foes. I discovered that my stinger was my form of attack and decided to restart with this in mind.

The second attempt went decently the first few nights. I got hit, my character was overlaid with a tint effect, and when I vanquish my foe, I found that I'm still white. I shrugged it off and went to the hive to upgrade, but I found that I can't access the upgrade menu.

I restarted again, getting farther this time as I passed the boundaries of my field and discovering many sights. Enemies were in stasis, but whatever. I discovered 'the secret medal' but I didn't receive it upon activation. I tried multiple times at blowing up the pup, yet the first time I tried, it just kept getting bigger. It eventually covered the entire layout, pass the beehive that (once again) refuses to open the upgrade menu. I eventually gave up about five days later as I was getting swarmed, getting injured in the process and stuck with the tint overlay after a few hits.

The game can be fun, but the random bugs makes things complicated to the point where 'The Flight Of The Bumblebee' would sync in perfectly.

Psonbre responds:

We have fixed all of these bugs in our latest update! Thanks a lot for helping us finding them!

Big Headed, hee hee hee, it's gotten so big that it's about to EXPLODE!!! Forest, editor, invest, resort, and I swear I got another word, but that's at least 4 times I've gotten a word just before that third phase started, but every time, the medal doesn't register. I even got the word through the daily challenge by exploiting the clock, but it still doesn't register for me. I'm basically given two tries to guess for this medal, right?

It's gotten to a point where I'm noticing that this is an interesting blend of Hangman, Codebreaker, and Tower Defense. However, I'm beginning to notice the odd design choices. Take the TD portion, It's fun at first, but it starts to feel like a loading screen after some time as I wait for another chance at the word guessing. The enemies start to become pushovers once you know what each tower does and where to place them effectively. The driller can take a beating, so missing a few won't cause it too much trouble.

Don't know why you would want to have a daily challenge other than to brag about getting a word in under so many tries. As far as I'm aware, there's no score system.

Resetting the page feels a little redundant. From a developer point of view, I see it as a means to speed up views, but I'm sure a simple 'return' button is possible to construct.

Maybe this game's original design of not having a 'practice mode' would've been better to keep the players invested. I think you made the right choice by adding a practice mode because people can be stubbornly demanding, but after the 20th time, things can get stale.

Stepford responds:

These are all super valid criticisms. Most of these issues are elements of the game being made in about a day in a half. I'm still happy with it despite its flaws, but yeah, there ARE flaws. If this game had a much longer development cycle, there would be more incentive, things to unlock, more enemy/turret types, things to add more random/dynamic interactions with the gameplay...

But for now, it's just a lil neat puzzle game that you can play once or twice and enjoy! : P

It's a Christmas miracle!!!

A Shiny finally appeared and I got myself a Shiny Caterpie.

...I feel hollow now. Wasting my time in search of a pokemon that I'll never get to use or see again after I close the game.

I've heard that Scratch games tend to be bland and difficult to work with. It pretty much shows in this as it's just a character moving on a grid that has no collision with anything outside of the boarder. The option to see what you've caught and drag them around is a little nice, but I would chuck this game up as being an experimentation and hardly considered a game at all.

There's one thing I must stress, the most annoying thing in this game... the music. It's nice to hear at first, nostalgic to the Viridian Forest you're trying to recapture, but that music is driving me nuts. I would use the mute button you provided, but the music begins to start up again soon after (making it more of a hassle than it is at finding a Shiny).

This game is fine for what it's trying to be, but this feels more like a test of the creator's understanding of the program and the toleration of the players that seeks out the medals it's offering.

VaporeonVortex responds:

Wow... I really appreciate the thought on the little game that I made. You're probably sick of the game already, but you can play on the scratch website https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/606564372/ and play the updated version (Theres a real time day/night cycle with exclusive Pokemon like ghastly, hoothoot, etc) and save your game progress by downloading the game in it's current state. I don't really plan on updating the game but I really appreciate your very expressive thoughts.

Who were you expecting, Tom Fulp?

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