Total Medals Earned: 40,366 (From 5,535 different games.) Total Medal Score: 862,595 Points
Medals Earned: 10/10 (155/155 points)
Earn over 5,000 scrap
Purchase over 5 H-Bots in a single game
Meet the Game Over screen.
Defeat Zomboid in under 5 Minutes!
Defeat Zomboid in under 8 Minutes!
Upgrade your attack power to 100
Upgrade your attack power to 50
Make that Zomboid a piƱata
Upgrade your power to 150
Beat the almighty Zomboid!
Medals Earned: 24/26 (465/490 points)
Play 30 min
Destroy 5 roadblocks
Fell off the bike 5 times
Build 10 game objects (roadblocks and turrets)
Kill 50 zombies with flamegun
Kill 50 zombies with grenadegun
Kill 100 zombies in a one day
Fight 3 minutes without damage in one day
Ride 10,000 kilometers
Kill 50 zombies with machinegun
Kill 50 zombies with minigun
Kill 50 zombies with pistol
Kill 50 zombies with shotgun
Kill 50 zombies at melee
Switch to 5th gear
Max. upgrade any primary weapon
Defend bike 3 minutes without damage in one day
Get 999 bullets for any weapon
Kill 50 zombies at bike
Collect 10000 coins
50 multi kills
Blow up 50 zombies with time bombs and mines
Kill 1000 zombies
Buy and upgrade all weapons
Kill 50 zombies with chainsaw
Medals Earned: 6/6 (240/240 points)
Solve 5 levels in Zomby Birdy
Solve 10 levels in Zomby Birdy
Solve 15 levels in Zomby Birdy
Solve 20 levels in Zomby Birdy
Solve 25 levels in Zomby Birdy
Solve 30 levels in Zomby Birdy
Medals Earned: 14/14 (490/490 points)
Collect 10 pickups on a level
Get 10 headshots
Kill a big zombie with the crowbar
Kill 50 zombies
Kill 100 zombies
Unlock the chainsaw
100% headshots in a level
Reach level 10
Reach level 20
Kill 500 zombies
Get 100 headshots
Reach level 30
Medals Earned: 16/26 (100/500 points)
Complete Aeryl
Drink poison
Scale Mount Ulahard
Complete Elaris
Play with your dog
Annoy the portly man in the shower
Complete Meztla
Craft your first potion
Burn Duro to get his ship
Complete Rhisla
Complete Ro'gor
Pick your first ingredient
Complete the race across the border
Collect a health upgrade
Collect 100 ingredients
Enter the locked temple on Meztla
Complete Potal
Complete Lynaii
Complete the race without firing
Defeat X'o'chthu
Craft all potions
Don't get shot on the Potal battlefield
Visit the developers
Drink all potions at once
Collect all health upgrades
Defeat X'o'chthu using Freeze potions only
Medals Earned: 4/4 (75/75 points)
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 3/3 (65/65 points)
The beginning of a new case
Medals Earned: 6/6 (175/175 points)
Who would steal a brain that cannot be eaten?
Medals Earned: 4/4 (90/90 points)
Your grave is forever... unless someone steals it
Medals Earned: 4/4 (105/105 points)
Who's the murderer?