
48 Game Reviews

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I see that you tagged this game as 'beta'. Appropriate as this is pretty basic and feels rushed somehow.

For example, the 'F' and 'M' keys have function in the game for fullscreen and mute but aren't addressed anywhere in the game or description, a life counter seems pointless as you'll restart in the same spot of this one level game, and there seems to be a large amount of people who aren't obtaining the last medal (myself included)...


...it's an experiment game more than a fleshed out one, but it works for the most part, so 2 stars.


Call me foolish, call me pathetic, but I've wasted months on this game for that medal. I even got near it before it crashed and lost my data, but I finally made it to game 42. What was it?


...and it didn't go off. I tried multiple save states, but the medal never activated. If you're still around Blobzone, then you owe me a medal on one of the most monotonous attempts I've ever done for these digital trinkets.

I'm still giving this half a star because the game works for the most part, but the corrupting save files, the currency counter that can't keep up with what is produced, and the ridiculous amount of effort that is required for a cheap joke instead of a medal makes me REALLY want to give this a zero.

I ran up this tower multiple times, on multiple files, and on multiple browsers. Is it because I love this game? ...well ...yes, but the reason is because I can't get that 'Overripe' medal. I've intentionally taken damage to get below or at 10% health, and finished off the bad guys on the floor. I've even went to the next few floors and proceeded to clear the rooms, but I still can't get it for some reason.

In fact, if I had an issue with this game, it would have to be that the medals don't register after a period of playing, much shorter than what I'm used to. An example would be the 'Revolution Any%' medal, I beaten it in 41:37, but I didn't get the medal. Thankfully the game doesn't save after the boss, so a quick page refresh, another fight, beat it 13 seconds faster, and I finally got it. It usually takes a little over an hour before the site breaks connection (or my poor internet provider acts up first), but the medals is my only complaint.

I don't know what else to say about the game as it's well put together. The music, the mechanics, I personally enjoyed how you let the player return back to the 'hub' area so naturally. I even noticed that each room follows the same order no matter how many times you clime it, but they'll change when you start a new file, so that's pretty attentive to detail while keeping things fresh.

Prox276 responds:

Thank you! ^^
The medal thing seems to be a common issue. I'll be looking into it but in the meantime I unlocked Overripe for you manually. :)

I'm surprised no one has brought this up over the years very much (let alone, fixed), but... there's a few more bugs in this game. Some good, but a lot of bad.

The upgrades are really needed in this game as enemies get stronger as the game progresses. You have a limited amount that can be thrown as a bar depletes with each throw. Money can be a bit tricky in this game as well as the prices for these upgrades increase as well for each floor, but luckily, the bar is completely refilled after each floor as long as you still possess that upgrade.

That bug was really helpful and I didn't even bother with the money anymore, but around floor twelve, I was met with a dilemma as I ran out, so I began to gather money once more. I was around 41 at the time, but the upgrades went up to as much as 114. This was not much of a problem as I was quickly gathering money over the floor, when suddenly, my money was reset. I didn't lose all of it as it went back to somewhere around 17, but I was nowhere near the store. In fact, I was locked in a room with a monster.

Irritating bug that one was, but that fails to even compare itself to the greatest bug this game suffers with. When one enters a room, they're pushed into it before spikes lock you inside. However, on three separate occasions when I entered a room, I was pushed out and locked out, making it impossible to enter the room (four if you want to include that a monster was pushed out of the room and locked it outside, but me inside). This issue is the worst as I find myself in a spot where I can't continue the game, because between me and the ladder to the next floor, there is a locked room that I can't enter until I kill the monsters inside that room. This issue made me restart when I was on floor eight, got lucky on fourteen as the ladder was in another direction, and made me end the game on seventeen.

For what it's worth, the game is alright at setting a tone, but there are some bugs that cuts this game short.

Calming music, gentle colors, lighthearted dialogue, sinecure tasks, all gift-wrapped with a bow for a heartwarming experience. ...this isn't my beat.

Whenever I do a review, I try to be justly fair by judging not from my enjoyment, but from a professional aspect that alines with the creators'. Noting the effort they placed in it, considering what was going through their heads, and reflecting on how their audience would take it.

Your goal was obvious the moment Maple stepped outside of her house, to give a chillaxing experience, but my personal aim during that moment, finish a series of side-quests and think creatively to obtain all of the medals.

Every so often, I'd return to this game to catch that fish and to find that last secret medal (if over a thousand people can get it, yet can't manage to reach the same number with the other medals put together (excluding the starting one), then I must be doing something wrong). It's during those times that I notice the little changes made to the game that adds to the tranquility you're setting. From the scuddeling crab on the beach to the very helpful 'instant catch' style of fishing, the commitment placed into this game is something that shouldn't be overlooked just because I can't catch something that's comparable to a shiny Pokémon.

To wrap things up, this game is too mellow for me with my hasten attempts to reach the goal, but that just shows at how well it did to achieve that good-vibe feeling of mellowness.

Peti responds:

Wow, thanks for the fair review! I how that you'll be able to unlock the rare fish medals soon!
For the secret medal, it's something that you can earn only during the tutorial section. I hope that helps!

Bleak-Creep responds:

Thanks for the detailed write up and I’m glad you enjoyed!

The fish medal will probably take most folks a few hours should they choose to go for it, but you do get a little easter egg as a reward. (Well, technically one of three easter eggs!)

The best way I can describe this game is that it's like playing a rendition of 'The Flight Of The Bumblebee' with a tempo that continues to rise.

I caught on quick with my first attempted (holding onto the pollen is a bit of an issue, but plenty more of where that came from), yet when night began, I found myself flailing about as I try to find a way to eliminate the foes. I discovered that my stinger was my form of attack and decided to restart with this in mind.

The second attempt went decently the first few nights. I got hit, my character was overlaid with a tint effect, and when I vanquish my foe, I found that I'm still white. I shrugged it off and went to the hive to upgrade, but I found that I can't access the upgrade menu.

I restarted again, getting farther this time as I passed the boundaries of my field and discovering many sights. Enemies were in stasis, but whatever. I discovered 'the secret medal' but I didn't receive it upon activation. I tried multiple times at blowing up the pup, yet the first time I tried, it just kept getting bigger. It eventually covered the entire layout, pass the beehive that (once again) refuses to open the upgrade menu. I eventually gave up about five days later as I was getting swarmed, getting injured in the process and stuck with the tint overlay after a few hits.

The game can be fun, but the random bugs makes things complicated to the point where 'The Flight Of The Bumblebee' would sync in perfectly.

Psonbre responds:

We have fixed all of these bugs in our latest update! Thanks a lot for helping us finding them!

Phew... 960... it took 960 traits reveled until I finally got the 'Amateur Psychologist' medal. What was that last trait that wouldn't show itself? 'Hypocrite'. Truly ironic as I found that a few of these clues misleading, but makes perfect sense if one stops to think about them.

Take for example, the witness info that said... 'Thinks it's a good time to start a family' ...I tend to think that mid 20s is the appropriate time since it happened with my parents, uncles, and grandparents. The game appears to be more inclined to believe that around 40 is the right age. Being someone who's 32, the thought of a family hasn't crossed my mind. And while I may be an autistic pessimist with self-doubts that tends to be haunted by chronic depression (you learn to live off the madness), I might change that in another 5 years or so... I hope.

My point is that this game isn't so much of you making sense of the clues, but rather using the game's sense of making out the clues. Game says that the head is a football, you mean English's round ball while I think American's oval pigskin. Game says that their body doesn't work like it used to, you mean that they use a cane while I think they're 80. It's almost like you're trying to learn another language in order to master the game.

The presentation is charming, the music fits the situation, the voices are enjoyable until you hear them 3 dozen times, but things really get dangerous with the gameplay as you're trying to keep track of Winkles and the meaning of the clues. Not so much of a detective game rather than a game of 'Guess Who?', and you'll likely find yourself frustrated as you try to learn what the clues are directing at, but I found myself enjoying it.

Giving it 5 stars seems a little out of place for something that made me so frustrated for nearly revealing a thousand trait for a simple 10 point medal.

What can I say? I'm a hypocrite, it's not the right word... but it's not wrong.

Big Headed, hee hee hee, it's gotten so big that it's about to EXPLODE!!! Forest, editor, invest, resort, and I swear I got another word, but that's at least 4 times I've gotten a word just before that third phase started, but every time, the medal doesn't register. I even got the word through the daily challenge by exploiting the clock, but it still doesn't register for me. I'm basically given two tries to guess for this medal, right?

It's gotten to a point where I'm noticing that this is an interesting blend of Hangman, Codebreaker, and Tower Defense. However, I'm beginning to notice the odd design choices. Take the TD portion, It's fun at first, but it starts to feel like a loading screen after some time as I wait for another chance at the word guessing. The enemies start to become pushovers once you know what each tower does and where to place them effectively. The driller can take a beating, so missing a few won't cause it too much trouble.

Don't know why you would want to have a daily challenge other than to brag about getting a word in under so many tries. As far as I'm aware, there's no score system.

Resetting the page feels a little redundant. From a developer point of view, I see it as a means to speed up views, but I'm sure a simple 'return' button is possible to construct.

Maybe this game's original design of not having a 'practice mode' would've been better to keep the players invested. I think you made the right choice by adding a practice mode because people can be stubbornly demanding, but after the 20th time, things can get stale.

Stepford responds:

These are all super valid criticisms. Most of these issues are elements of the game being made in about a day in a half. I'm still happy with it despite its flaws, but yeah, there ARE flaws. If this game had a much longer development cycle, there would be more incentive, things to unlock, more enemy/turret types, things to add more random/dynamic interactions with the gameplay...

But for now, it's just a lil neat puzzle game that you can play once or twice and enjoy! : P

What's this? Yet another soul seeks to descend my well?

...it's a Tower of Heaven joke/reference. Thought it would be appropriate as it pulls a similar mechanic as this game does. It was clever and makes you think outside the box, but much like a magic trick, it loses its finesse once you realize the secret.

Music in the tunnels might've been nice to have, and some spelling errors can be found in the notes...

"At least I'm save for now"

...I believe you meant 'safe', not 'save'.

Although this game appears straightforward and bland, players will be in for a surprise if they don't play in a straightforward and bland fashion as well.

It's a Christmas miracle!!!

A Shiny finally appeared and I got myself a Shiny Caterpie.

...I feel hollow now. Wasting my time in search of a pokemon that I'll never get to use or see again after I close the game.

I've heard that Scratch games tend to be bland and difficult to work with. It pretty much shows in this as it's just a character moving on a grid that has no collision with anything outside of the boarder. The option to see what you've caught and drag them around is a little nice, but I would chuck this game up as being an experimentation and hardly considered a game at all.

There's one thing I must stress, the most annoying thing in this game... the music. It's nice to hear at first, nostalgic to the Viridian Forest you're trying to recapture, but that music is driving me nuts. I would use the mute button you provided, but the music begins to start up again soon after (making it more of a hassle than it is at finding a Shiny).

This game is fine for what it's trying to be, but this feels more like a test of the creator's understanding of the program and the toleration of the players that seeks out the medals it's offering.

VaporeonVortex responds:

Wow... I really appreciate the thought on the little game that I made. You're probably sick of the game already, but you can play on the scratch website https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/606564372/ and play the updated version (Theres a real time day/night cycle with exclusive Pokemon like ghastly, hoothoot, etc) and save your game progress by downloading the game in it's current state. I don't really plan on updating the game but I really appreciate your very expressive thoughts.

Who were you expecting, Tom Fulp?

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